If you think you know everything there is to know about Facebook, we’re about to put your knowledge to the test. Using Facebook to grow your business is one of the most effective ways to increase brand awareness and engagement. With over 2.9 billion active monthly users, it’s simply a platform you can’t afford to ignore. However, there may be some Facebook business features that you aren’t aware of, some of which could give you an advantage over competitors who are also on Facebook. Here are a few tips and features that you may not have heard of, or that you may know about but aren’t using to their full potential.
Facebook business features that your business should start using.

Examine other pages activity and compare it to yours
Call it R&D if you want, but the “watch” feature allows you to follow up to 100 different brand pages. You’ll be able to quickly compare and contrast page activity with your own, as well as see some basic performance figures such as estimated views, engagement, and audience growth.
This is an invaluable way to gain valuable insight into your competitors and how they use Facebook. They can, of course, follow you as well.

Chabot’s on Messenger make your life easier
Hey, we’re all people with lives outside of our businesses. That’s when chatbot come in handy. If you’re on vacation, sleeping, or otherwise occupied, your chatbot can answer the most common questions that visitors to your business page may have. There is an additional benefit that is often overlooked: it promotes a proactive customer support policy rather than a reactive or passive one. What does this imply? You will, however, be able to initiate a conversation with each customer at any time of day using your Messenger chatbot. As a result, you can expect higher engagement rates because you’re virtually greeting every user who visits your page. Oh, and don’t forget about the obvious financial advantage of using Chabot’s. It is less expensive and faster to implement a fully functional chatbot than to create a cross-platform app or to hire another employee.

Make use of the powerful Facebook audience insights
This slightly ties into the paid advertising side of things, but we couldn’t write this article without mentioning Facebook’s audience insights. They’re a fantastic way to gain valuable insight on your users (like the Google Analytics of Facebook). The access to such detailed and relevant information about your users will ensure you’re in the best position possible to create content that resonates with those people the most.

Facebook hashtags aren’t limited
The hashtag has risen from the dead to become one of the most commonly used keyboard symbols. But they can be useful for more than just Twitter, especially for businesses. Yes, hashtag are a thing on Facebook. The most common uses are to start a conversation with a specific group or to comment on a trending topic. While we’re on the subject of Twitter, pinning posts to the top of your feed is also available on Facebook. This is an excellent method for maintaining important or popular content at the top of your Facebook business page. That could be a company announcement or a product launch, for example.

Take your images and photos to the next level… literally
This is a bit of a bonus point, but it could help you distinguish your business page from the competition. 3D photos are now available and will appear in your news feed alongside other photos. When you scroll across them, touch or click them, or tilt your phone, the exception occurs. “They’ll respond as if the photo is actually a window into a tiny diorama, with corresponding changes in perspective.